maandag 27 november 2017

Epic discovery: Great midge video's

Last sunday, I was paging through one of my favourite books: "Tailwater Flies" by Pat Dorsey. This was while enjoying a little break from painting the walls of my house. I persuaded my wife that painting walls is a typical project for the autumn months when dry fly fishing is in hibernation. So last sunday the moment was there that I delayed this projects as much as possible untill my wife had a zero tolerance moment...I HAD to paint (I happened to discover some nice tails in my paint brush).

This summer I tested some micro nymph "Tailwater Flies" patterns: Black Beauty, Mercury Midge and Top Secret Midge. All with (surprisingly) no soft hackles. My hopes were high, but the Dutch en Belgium fish were not interested in these U.S.A. midge nymphs.

Closing the book I grabbed the tablet and did a quick scan (I had 5 minutes left) on the trusted soft hackled nymphs. I was so thrilled discovering some awesome midge video's from Rog and Jane Klettke's Youtube channel. How could I have missed those earlier?

To be sure that you don't miss them: have a look at this one. And don't forget to check their other videos. This video is about the Tummel Fly. It has some similarity with the spider patterns like the William's Favourite and the Black cock. Enjoy!