zondag 12 juli 2015

7 Best fly fishing books you must read

Listed here are my top 7 fly fishing books to keep you hooked on fly fishing, while being not at the water. Summer holiday time is family time. This means that - keeping my wife & kids happy - I can't or won't fish all the time. But fly fishing books for personal use are tolerated. They fill the gap. They are my paper prozac.

So bring on the books:
Fly fisher's Chronicle, Neil Patterson (2015)
Tying Small Flies, Ed Engle (2003)
Fishing Small Flies, Ed Engle (2004)
Chalkstream Chronicle, Neil Patterson (1995)
Wondervliegen 2, Leon Janssen (2010)
Fly fishing for coarse fish, Dominic Garnett (2010)
Fly fisher's Handbook, Malcolm Greenhalgh (2004)

To be honest, I just got Neil Patterson's latest book Fly fisher's Chronicle. I have not finished it yet, but love this book instantaneously from the first line in the preface: "When Michelangelo carved a horse out of a block of marble, someone asked him how he managed to create such a beautiful object from such a massive, shapeless lump. It's simple he said. I cut away everything that isn't a horse."

Neil likes simple flies. His book contains 373 pages in 22 chapters. Each about a country & a fly. Some flies are new, some old (Russia and a Funneldun, France and an Andelle or England and a White sock. All range from a hook size 24 "Simple Smut" to a hook size 2 "Ted's Improved Nothing".  I celebrate this new book! A partial foretaste can be found at google books.