vrijdag 15 april 2016

49 Year old Woolly Bugger

What else is there to say about Woolly Buggers? There is even a page on Wikipedia about this famous senior fly (since 1967)! So I take a bow and limit my contribution to just a few weblinks.

To make things easy for you I made a little Youtube library of my favourite Woolly Bugger flies. Have a look at this. To be honest, I like the Tightline video the best. Especially the suggestion about how to make a nice tail end.

Besides the video's, there are two nice articles to read:
  1. Midcurrent by Gary Soucie
  2. GinkandGasoline by Kent Klewein

About colour...Black and Olive are the most used colours. But if you like to see a trout contest between a black and a white Woolly Bugger, have a look at this video from Ireland under water! On a bright day...dark wins in shallow water. Tadpole effect? Does this make the slogan "Bright days, bright flies" completely superflouos? After 49 year, this fly leaves me baffled.

donderdag 14 april 2016

Micro lead head nymph

I engineered this little nymph & love it. This fly is one of my so called "omfiets-vliegen". It has loads of great features. Like the lead head design. This gives micro nymphs a better hook gap (than a bead). If fish are taking emergers....I simply clip the lead shot of. The hare line ice dub thorax and shucky diamond braid are for enhancing UV visibility.

The tying sequence is explained in this video: https://youtu.be/zwizieODbQU

For optimal movement: try tying your tippet as a open loop knot (like rapala knot).


donderdag 7 april 2016

Chicken Carbon Fly Footprint

Since tying flies i cant normally look at chickens. It must be the same feeling as a dog walking in a childrens farm....it dont see nice chickens or partidges. It sees meet. In my case i see walking hackle  necks capes and cdc bums.....I need therapy.

dinsdag 5 april 2016

Fabulous Freija Streamer

This new little 1 inch streamer is my biggest flagship of micro flies. I was looking for a small streamer pattern for Perch, Ide and Asp that "looks helpless and is save to eat". After a lot of trial and error, this bug rolled of my vise. The tank test proved promising.

I hope I now have a fly that can beat my apex Perch lure of 2015: the soft plastic 1,75 inch Lunker city Fin S Shad (duo rig on a spinning rod with 0.16mm Stroft GTM line).

I based this design on some proven fly pattern concepts like the lead head from Hans van Klinken. The lead head design build on a jig hook makes a nice balanced fly that shakes like a rattle snake. I like tying outside in spring and summer, so please enjoy the bird sounds and have a look at my (first) spring video: https://youtu.be/kZVfylhcrDA