vrijdag 15 april 2016

49 Year old Woolly Bugger

What else is there to say about Woolly Buggers? There is even a page on Wikipedia about this famous senior fly (since 1967)! So I take a bow and limit my contribution to just a few weblinks.

To make things easy for you I made a little Youtube library of my favourite Woolly Bugger flies. Have a look at this. To be honest, I like the Tightline video the best. Especially the suggestion about how to make a nice tail end.

Besides the video's, there are two nice articles to read:
  1. Midcurrent by Gary Soucie
  2. GinkandGasoline by Kent Klewein

About colour...Black and Olive are the most used colours. But if you like to see a trout contest between a black and a white Woolly Bugger, have a look at this video from Ireland under water! On a bright day...dark wins in shallow water. Tadpole effect? Does this make the slogan "Bright days, bright flies" completely superflouos? After 49 year, this fly leaves me baffled.

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