dinsdag 9 juni 2015

Semois Spirlin

I love the Semois river in the Ardennes on the Belgium France border. In May and early June the river is at its best, wearing her white wedding dress of water crow foot flowers. I than love canoeing through these sweet lime wood blossom smelling plants.

Between the folds of this wedding dress you can find (a lot) the Spirlin.
The Spirlin is a little (13 cm) bleak like coarse fish which inhabits fast flowing waters in the most southern part of Holland, Belgium, France, Germany & east wards.

The small black spots on each side of each lateral line are a good determination mark.

This one is caught this weekend in de Semois river. The Spirlin swim with shoals of chub and often get to your dry fly before the trout or grayling do....

Because this was my first Semois fly caught fish species, it has a special place.
This weekend I fooled them constantly with a #21 shuttlecock plume tip on a lovely Tiemco Euflex Infante #1.

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